Succeed When You Breastfeed
virtual Breastfeeding Counseling Appointments Available Now!
We can help get things back on track and support your normal, healthy breastfeeding journey! |
Schedule your free Breastfeeding Success Consultation!
Breastfeeding Education & Counseling
Breastfeeding is a beautiful way to start your loving relationship with your baby. But sometimes it can be frustrating, painful, or discouraging. While I have had the blessed opportunity to breastfeed all of my seven children, it has not always been easy. Thankfully, I was able to get skilled breastfeeding support to help me get back on track and to breastfeed as long as we wanted to breastfeed. This is the gift I want to give to new mothers--to help you develop a breastfeeding plan that is right for you and your family, using the Ten Baby Steps as a tried-and-true evidence-based guide to effective, joyful breastfeeding. We will begin wherever you are in your breastfeeding journey--whether you are still awaiting your baby and want to know what to expect and how to plan for breastfeeding your baby, or if are already breastfeeding and want reassurance that you're doing just fine or counseling to resolve a challenge. My mission is to help you succeed when you breastfeed! ~Christelle Hagen, BfNAEC, HCHD Certified Breastfeeding Advocate, Educator & Counselor |
Your "Breastfeeding Success" Strategy Hour
The main goal of the "Breastfeeding Success" Strategy Hour is to help you understand your overall goals for breastfeeding. You will learn the 4 Breastfeeding Boosters that maximize the likelihood of successful breastfeeding and develop a specific plan for successful breastfeeding, which may include any of the following:
- Breastfeeding Education classes
- Private Breastfeeding Counseling appointments
- Brainstorming Lifestyle Changes that might help resolve the breastfeeding difficulty
- Nutrition and Supplements that support breastfeeding
- Latch adjustments, positioning changes and other techniques that may help you
- Relaxation and Massage
- Herbs that support breastfeeding
- Referrals to other professionals (doctors, lactation consultants) as needed
For breastfeeding mothers who are experiencing difficulties, we will work together to determine the main issue that is preventing you and your baby from experiencing breastfeeding success. And you will leave the Strategy Hour knowing the next step you need to take to get back on the path to breastfeeding success.
Book Your Free "Breastfeeding Success" Strategy Hour
Testimonials from prior Breastfeeding Education students
"Super practical education on breastfeeding & skin-to-skin contact. We're prepared to be successful in this venture!"
--Lisa, Fan of the Breastfeeding Matters class
"Almost everything was new for me! It was good to get a background on the hormones involved!"
--Sarah, Fan of the Breastfeeding Matters class
"I feel mentally prepared!"
--Erin, Fan of the Breastfeeding Matters class
"Great class. I really liked the videos and practicing the feeding positions."
--Kristen, Fan of the Breastfeeding Matters class