St croix Birth & Parenting relaxation videos
Note: there is no background music during these videos so that you can use any music you find relaxing, if you choose. If you use the same music during your relaxation sessions, you will condition yourself to respond to the music with relaxation. If you then choose to play the same music during your birth, you are more likely to be relaxed!
© 2022 Christelle Hagen Written and recorded by: Christelle Hagen Images: Pixabay and Unsplash
Progressive Relaxation 1 is a progressive relaxation session focusing on tensing and releasing the muscles under your conscious control so that you can learn how your muscles feel when they are tense and relaxed. This will help you release the tension in your muscles to conserve energy for the work of birthing your baby and activate the relaxation response.
8 minutes, 46 seconds. |
© 2022 Christelle Hagen Written by: Ronnie Pratt Recorded by: Christelle Hagen Images: Pixabay
Quiet Reflections 1 is an imagery relaxation focusing on colors, shapes, and images related to your special place, pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Imagery relaxation is a good tool to use when you want to calm yourself and can be a distraction during uncomfortable moments.
6 minutes, 59 seconds. |