Dads and other birth partners often have little or no experience with natural childbirth before she goes into her birthing time. This class will give your birth partner the knowledge, skills, and confidence to support the birthing mother in ways that are comfortable for both of you.
Mom's Best Friend
everything your birth partner absolutely needs to know to support your natural birth
(Birth Matters Course, Session 2)
No worries, Dad! This class is designed just for dads and other birth partners (and the expectant mom), so that you will learn how to best support her natural childbirth in ways that you will find comfortable. The pressure's off!
- Discuss how prepared you may (or may not) be for the big day and learn ways to get better prepared
- Review the process of natural birth and learn emotional cues that most birthing women send so that you can tell where she is in the birthing process (especially helpful so that you know when to go to your birth place or call your midwife, if you are planning a home birth)
- Talk about different styles of birthing support and identify your style
- Identify the style of support she most prefers and make plans for how to help her get the help she needs
- Learn a large variety of tools and tricks to help her during the birth
- Discuss normal variations of birth and what you can do to help her in those situations
About this Class
Instructor: Christelle J. K. Hagen, BfNAEC, ICI, SBD. Christelle is an experienced childbirth educator (Apple Tree Family Ministries/Childbirth without Fear method) and certified birth and perinatal loss doula. Learn more about Christelle.