Understand what a natural childbirth is, and why it is normally best for you and your baby.
Natural Childbirth in a Nutshell
everything you absolutely need to know to have a natural birth
(Birth Matters Course, Session 1)

In this class, we will cover the basics of natural childbirth. If you and your birth partner need a basic understanding of the process of natural childbirth, and can only take one birth class before the big day, this is the one!
- Learn what a normal, natural childbirth is, and why it is important for you and your baby, both in the short-term and the long-term
- Discuss what the process of natural birth is and how natural births may feel
- Get tips for how to help your body naturally progress from having your baby in-womb to in-arms
- Get a list of steps to take that will maximize the likelihood of a successful natural birth
- Discuss possible obstacles to a natural childbirth and make a game plan for overcoming them
- View natural birth so that you know what it might be like for you
About this Class

Instructor: Christelle J. K. Hagen, BfNAEC, ICI, SBD. Christelle is an experienced childbirth educator (Apple Tree Family Ministries/Childbirth without Fear method) and certified birth and perinatal loss doula. Christelle has successfully given birth naturally six times, and is a strong advocate for natural birth! Learn more about Christelle.